Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Day With My Friend

My day with my friend

Today, 1/10/10, I went to a friend’s house. It was the last time that I was going to go to a student’s house until I traveled again so I knew that he HAD to do something special for me.
After that we read a book about famous Pennsylvanians.
I absolutely loved it so I asked him if we could research my favorite character, Gifford Pinchot. He was actually Pennsylvania Governor 2 TIMES and he tried as hard as he could to cut government spending. Some times he did not even take his salary! He made a huge impact in PA. I’m glad I got to learn about him.
Now I have a question for you. Does your state have famous people that still effect you today and how?
Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. George Norris is really important for the farmers in the state of Nebraska. It used to be that you could only have electricity in your house if you lived in a town or city. George Norris thought the people who lived in the country should have electricity too. When George was in the NE Legislature he passed a law that said that rural (farming) areas should have electricity available too.
