Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wally's Day With Fiona

I went home with Fiona on December 22nd. There had to be something that she would be able to teach me about Pennsylvania on that day. Her argument was she would teach me about when the German, Austrian and Swiss settlers came from Europe to Pennsylvania in 1610 and brought their countries foods and later on the different foods became an industry to Pennsylvania. One of those foods were pretzels. Some companies in Pennsylvania that make snack foods are Snyders and Herrs. She taught me that the first commercial pretzel bakery was founded in Pennsylvania by Tom Stergus. I thought that the fact that the first pretzel bakery was founded in Pennsylvania was pretty cool. Fiona and I also walked her dog showing me the landscape and people of Pennsylvania. There were a lot of dips and hills and plants and trees and the climate was pretty cold since I was there in the winter. All though I’ve heard it’s really hot in the summer. The people were nice too. I had a great time at Fiona’s state and I can’t wait to see yours as well! While you're waiting for me to arrive at your school ,think what can you teach me about your state? Please respond!
Yours Truly Wally!


  1. This sounds like a cool project. I live in Alaska. If I took Waly to my state I would teach him how large my state is and how diverse it is.

  2. Hey I'm a timberwood tiger. It sounds like y'all had fun,and I bet you it is hot in the summer like here in Texas!!!!!

  3. Hi Wally! in Mexico we're excited and waiting for you. We send you a big big mexican hug. Miss Jamie from Centro Escolar del Lago

  4. That is so cool! I didn't know that Grace was born on the same day as the person who invented bubble gum! I can't wait until you visit Texas!!!!!!!

  5. When Wally comes to Nebraska we will teach him all about the Cornhusker state. We will teach him how the state capitol was saved by a desperado (that's a criminal). We will teach Wally about the Oregon Trail. Hopefully he will be brave enough to try Skeeter Cakes like the pioneers ate. :) We hope that Wally will like football so that he will want to visit Memorial Stadium in Lincoln.

  6. I love pretzels. We are so excited to have Wally visit San Antonio and introduce him to all the different ethnic foods like mexican, german, italian, and ....more.

  7. According to the Food Marketing Cooperative of Pennsylvania, the snack food industry is a $5 billion a year business in PA. That source even goes so far as to call PA the "Snack Food Capital of the World." WHAT ARE THE MAJOR INDUSTRIES IN YOUR STATE?

